• UK’s green Sports Academy gym complex to swing open doors in July

  • UK_green_gym.jpg
    This July, the United Kingdom will have one of the greenest sports facilities around. Located in Scunthorpe, the Sports Academy facility promises to keep you athletic and healthy and do the environment a whole lot of good too. Complete with a swimming pool, sports hall, fitness suite, dance studio, and climbing column, all located below six dome-shaped pods, the $24 million Sports Academy complex was designed by Andrew Wright Associates to keep the energy supply to the building a minimum, helping cut down on costs substantially. Making utmost use of natural lighting and using ground-source pumps to satisfy 80% of the building’s heating needs, plans for greywater collection from shower areas are also being put into place.

    All this one needs now, is those domes to be covered with solar panels, soaking in energy from the sun, adding to the complex’s self-sustainability!

    Posted in Topics:Architecture, Tags: , on May 24, 2011