• The world’s largest office building is solar-powered!

  • solar-powered-building.jpg
    China has done it again, this time with the unveiling of the world’s largest office building! And its not only big, its solar powered! This giant office building spans a whopping 75,000 square meters. It is self contained and includes research facilities, exhibition centers, meeting and training areas and even a hotel! And all this is powered by the sun. The external structure of the building is made of only 1% steel. An advanced roof and insulation system helps reduce energy
    requirements to a great extent, 30% more than the national energy saving standard. The exterior of the building is white to symbolize clean energy and the building is shaped like a sun dial. The building will and deserves to play host to the 4th World Solar City Congress.


    Posted in Topics:Architecture, Tags: , on December 16, 2009