• The Intermodal Transit Hub, a bus and rail transit station powered by renewable energy

  • Intermodal-Transit-Hub-1.jpg
    Every building we construct and build in the future needs to be topped with solar panels and connected to a renewable energy grid, to decrease our dependence on the exploited resources we’ve been using since time immortal. Carl Burdick, an LA-based junior architect, artist and an industrial designer thought the same, designing a regional bus and high-speed rail transit station with a greener touch. The Intermodal Transit Hub uses renewable energy to power up, with photovoltaic cells on the roof, making it a self-sustained structure.

    In a street full of cars today, trains have been long forgotten, and people don’t really use the railways like they used to before. Well, Burdick, the designer, hopes that this green creation of his brings back the use of railways as a mass-transit system, with people opting out of their cars and using trains instead. The Intermodal Transit Hub will also boast a roof that will let in enough natural light to keep the underground train tunnels lighted up too. Mass-transit could be a greener affair with structures like this one around.

    Posted in Topics:Architecture, Tags: , on June 9, 2010