• Tallest U.S. building to get “green” makeover

  • Tallest_U.S._building.jpg
    The 110-story Sears Tower in the Western Hemisphere will get a $350 million “green” makeover, to convert the office into an environment friendly space. The tower will be renamed to Wilis towers later this summer after the new tenants Willis Group Holdings take charge. The make over is aimed to reduce its electricity consumption by 80 percent and water usage by 40 percent with the installation of 16,000 tinted single-pane windows and create a “thermal break” between Chicago’s frigid winters and hot summers and the interior. The make over also includes a significant change to the elevators and escalators and systems that automatically dim lighting based on available natural light. The bathrooms will also be revamped with new bathroom fixtures to conserve 24 million gallons of water.

    The owners also plan to install gas boilers equipped with fuel cells, which generate electricity, heat and cooling and solar panel water heaters. The owners also plan to plant the world’s highest green roof to reduce storm runoff and the urban heat island effect. Everyone will love working at this eco-friendly office and more corporate houses must adopt this concept of a green office space.

    Posted in Topics:Architecture, Tags: , on June 25, 2009