• Solar windowpanes that power your computer

  • solar_windowpane.jpg
    If you live in an all day sunny environment house its time to tap into all that wasted solar energy. Tokyo-based Nihon Telecommunication System Inc. has given householders another option to do their bit to help the planet by developing windowpanes with built-in photovoltaic cells. The electricity produced through the panes will be just enough to power a PC and recharge a cell phone. The electricity will be tapped via USB ports. The new windowpanes are supposed to generate up to 70 watts of electricity per square meter of glass. The solar cells have a power generation efficiency of 7 to 8%. The glass (thickness: 10.5mm) will prevent up to 90% of sunlight coming into a room and therefore reduce air conditioning costs.

    Though the Nihon Telecommunication System charges $1,900 per square meter in average but still expects to sell 10,000 windowpanes annually.

    Posted in Topics:Architecture, Tags: , on July 29, 2008