• Nissan unveils disaster-proof NSH-2012 Smart House design

  • Nissan-disaster-proof-NSH-2012-Smart-House.jpg
    Nissan has given the world hope when it comes to transport and a roof above your head in a near-apocalyptic world. Unveiled at CEATEC Japan (Combined Exhibition of Advanced Technologies) 2011 the NSH-2012 Smart House is part of Nissan’s line of standalone community structures, including Smart Healthcare, Smart Cottage, Smart Rental Car and Smart Food Stand. Inspired by a modern aircraft fuselage design and ancient Japanese homes, the structure of this home is disaster-proof. And the best part of it all is the ever-green Nissan Leaf parked beneath, to ensure you get around on an eco-friendly set of wheels.

    A true green and safe way to live and travel, this design could probably pave the way for future architectural structures!

    Posted in Topics:Architecture, Tags: , on October 6, 2011