• New York Governor’s eco-friendly mansion gets a Gold LEED status

  • ny-governor-mansion-green.jpg
    For those of you who don’t know what LEED is, it stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and New York’s executive mansion was awarded the second highest level of LEED making it the first governor’s mansion to receive it– in recognizance for its drastic reductions in energy use. The highest LEED status is Platinum, followed by Gold, Silver and Certified. The mansion earned the certification for a number of reasons, including its proximity to public transportation; its use of alternative-fuel vehicles and water-efficient landscaping; its recycling and reduction in water use; and the use of environmentally friendly cleaning products and energy-efficient appliances. Energy use in the mansion is down 20 percent to 25 percent over the past several years.

    The only other governor’s residence to receive any LEED certification is Colorado’s, located in Denver, which was awarded LEED Certified status in November.

    Posted in Topics:Architecture, Tags: , on April 27, 2009