• New York elementary school by SCA is the first to have net zero energy status

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    The City of New York is rushing towards the greener side, and right up ahead leading the way is the School Construction Authority (SCA) that has kept itself busy building eco-friendly and environment-friendly buildings all along. The Local Law 86 will ensure changing all of NYC’s civic buildings into sustainable structures. The SCA has stepped into greener waters before, using efficient heating and cooling systems, light sensors, recycled materials, and more and is about to push up the levels with this design for elementary school P.S. 62. To be located on Staten Island, the school will be a net zero energy structure.

    At the Rossville section of Southern Staten Island, the school with 444 seats will be a two-story building with a library, a cafeteria, a gymnasium that doubles as an auditorium, and music, science, and art suites too. Designed to be highly efficient and generate enough electricity to fulfill its own needs, P.S. 62 will work as a living example of energy efficiency for civic buildings.

    Posted in Topics:Architecture, Tags: , on February 28, 2011