• Homes in Cold Spring Green that hug the environment

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    Housing goes green and energy saving with the design used to build homes in Cold Spring Green, Newton, Massachusetts. These houses are based on common New England houses with an eco friendly twist. The soaring ceilings, electrically operated skylights, stainless steel accents and glass prominence gets you wonder struck on the first look itself. These houses save out on lighting costs due to large portions of it being exposed to sunlight. Also, they use energy efficient technologies like a photovoltaic roof and a geothermal heating and cooling system that helps save out on power wastage. While building, care was taken to use locally sourced raw material and engineered lumber. The roof of these homes reflects and retains water. The total reduction of CO2 emissions and carbon footprint is 17% overall energy requirements for the buildings, or financial savings equivalent to supplying a full year of free gas to four large size cars for every unit in that area. So live with style and leave no trace of carbon in the air with these awesome new homes in Cold Spring Green.

    [World Architecture News]

    Posted in Topics:Architecture, Tags: , on January 15, 2010