• Eko Housing Will be the Green Eiffel Tower in Dubai

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    If you are traveler seeking out beauty and splendor then in near future you may travel down to Dubai to see this Eiffel Tower, which is a replica design of original Eiffel in Paris. This awesome replica is in fact a futuristic Eko Housing planned for Zaabeel Park, City Center Dubai. Apart from aesthetic beauty, ambition and money 10 Raison’s Architects also seem to be investing in green design. The 24 floor housing will have some 8500 square meters of Nano solar and will be dotted with 350 palms.

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    Rich Arabs have a real taste for beauty and they are ambitious enough to build Eiffel Tower right in Dubai and that too as a modern urban living space. Modern technology will make its interior and exterior extremely trendy and it will give a flavor of Paris. Massive Nano Solar panel really makes it eco friendly structure of huge proportions. This really proves that if there is will there is certainly a way.
    Via Yanko Design