• Eco-friendly inflatable buildings help to recover funds for incomplete projects in NYC

  • inflatable_buildings-1.jpg
    Look around the Big Apple and you’ll see incomplete woodwork of what would be a full-scale building, thanks to the recession. Well, there’s something that could cover up the mess, and give the city its beauty back. Woods Bagot, the architecture mega-firm has come up with an inflatable solution that could get rid of these open incomplete spaces. Developers waiting for money to pour back into their respective projects could now use temporary inflatable buildings in the mean time. These unused sites remain incomplete because of developers running out of finances, with taxes as much as $2 million a year. So, temporary structures enable the site developers to collect rent, and puff up in the form of steel structure wrapped in high-tech plastic fabric called EFTE with air beams stitched into it.

    Balloons support the structure, and all in all, this is a cleaner and greener way to recover funds for site completion. Taken that the volume of these buildings, known as an Iceberg consists of nothing but air, it has no carbon footprint whatsoever. A clever green and carbon free idea to take on the recession.

    Posted in Topics:Architecture, Tags: , on June 24, 2010