• Window blinds works also a light bulbs during the night

  • Window_blinds.jpg
    What do window blinds do? That is easy. They keep the heat out of the building by blocking sun rays in the day. Blight which is an innovative company has taken the window blinds to the next level. They have recently displayed their ne illuminating solar blinds concept which combines flexible solar panels into venetian blinds to collect energy during the day and provide light during the night.

    The solar cells on the blinds harvest sunlight and turn them into electricity which is stored in a small battery. At night, ca charge is given off the battery into an electroluminescent foil that illuminates the room. Electroluminescent foil is a fabric that provides ultra low energy light sort of a soft diffused glow when it is combined with an electrical current.

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on June 2, 2009