• Wind Energizer for better turbine efficiency

  • wind_energizer.jpg
    Wind turbines are a perfect way to create alternative energy. Leviathan Energy, led by Dr Daniel Farb, has come up with an improved version to get more efficiency by making the wind hit them differently. They completed tests on the ‘Wind Energizer” device – an addition that could upgrade any wind turbine, without much higher costs and without even compromising other neighbor turbines. It helps increases the wind turbine’s efficiency by 30% on normal winds and up to 150% at low-speed winds.

    It works by changing the way the air circulates around the turbine, and makes the wind hit the blades with its maximum speed, also making the wind turbine more storm proof. The Wind Energizer is a donut-shaped structure made from steel and plastic, but the exact dimensions of it depend on site-specific data, like the tower height, length of the blades, prevailing wind direction and intensity.

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on May 2, 2009