• Wal-Mart’s Apple Valley distribution center goes solar powered with its 5,300 solar panels

  • Wal-Mart_solar_array.jpg
    The big shot in supermarkets and hypermarkets, Wal-Mart has now shown the world that it loves and cares for the environment too. The retail company can now boast of its largest solar panel array that has been set up at its Apple Valley distribution center in California. 5,300 solar panels have been set up and will generate electricity to power up the distribution center. These solar panels will drink up juice from the sun and generate enough power to lighten up a hundred and seventy five homes. The distribution center spans an area of 1.3 million square feet. 20 percent of this will be powered up using these solar panels. Generating a cool 1 megawatt of energy, this array sure is efficient and will help decrease the retailer’s carbon footprint to a creditable extent. Critics will still keep an eye on Wal-Mart’s exploits on the environment, but this effort on the company’s part sure helps clean up its act in a way.

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on January 27, 2010