• Too much wind energy blowing grids to smithereens

  • Wind.jpgNow who’d think all that extra renewable energy would actually leave people in trouble too? Remember what mother would say? “Too much of a good thing isn’t good anymore”. And that’s just what has occurred this time. Tapping wind energy pretty much seems to be the right way to power up, with help from solar energy and similar renewable energy sources. But at times, all this energy is a bit too much to handle. May 19th, a thousand wind turbines in the Columbia River Gorge spun to glory, in a single hour, creating as much energy as two nuclear power plants. The Bonneville Power Administration control room in Vancouver was in a tizzy, as the grid and its powerlines struggled to cope with all this extra energy.

    And that’s not all. By the year 2013, the number of wind turbines is destined to increase, meaning more energy, and on days like these, the energy produced will spark out the grid, leaving it in an electric-stupor. Probably finding ways to channel out extra electricity could help everyone, the grid, the powerlines, and the neighbors who receive the extra power.

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Awareness and Hype, Tags: , on July 20, 2010