• Thanet, the world’s largest turbine site, switched on in Britain today

  • world’s-largest-turbine-site-1.jpg
    A day to remember for Britain today, as the world’s largest offshore turbine site finally switches on in the North Sea. With a capacity to lighten up as many as 200,000 homes, this turbine site spread 35 square kilometers in the North Sea has around 100 giant turbines hooked on to it, generating as much as 300 megawatts (MW) of electricity. Located off the coast of Kent, the Thanet farm will add a load of green energy to Britain’s electricity grid. Currently, UK’s wind farms have a capacity of 5 gigawatts, enough juice to power up a whole 3 million homes. On a clear day, the Thanet farm will be clearly visible from the coast, 7.5miles off Foreness Point, Margate. Vattenfall, a Swedish firm spent £780million on the array.

    Standing 380 feet above the sea with 82 feet below the sea bed, each of these colossal turbines in the North Sea will make UK proud without a doubt!

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on September 24, 2010