• Sunergy Brings Solar Power As a regular Utility with PPA and Billing

  • Sunergy solar power utility.jpg
    One of the major drawbacks of solar power apart from efficiency is the one-time expensive investment, installation and maintenance of the solar power plant and this makes it unpopular compared to buying electricity from some utility. But a New Jersey based company Sunergy has come up with innovative plan to make solar electricity as any other utility with monthly billing and no credit check. The solar panels will be owned by Sunergy but they will be installed on your rooftop and one has to pay the monthly bills under the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). What more does one need to switch to solar power? The company claims solar bills are not going to be higher than the ever inflating conventional utility bills and in fact may even work out cheaper
    One just hopes Synergy manages to reach out more globally and other companies follow their demonstration. It would be dream come true if everyone with or without green conscience can install green solar power plant on the roof without paying extra. Kudos to sun power which will never perish!
    Via Cleantechnica