• Soaking in the lightning to generate electricity

  • Lightning.jpg
    Those flashes of lightning streaking across the sky during storms can give us the goosebumps at times. We’ve seen them before for real and in cliché Hollywood thrillers. It’s time for the streak of lightning to get a greener touch, with researchers planning to use it as a power source. For years together, researchers and scientists have been trying to figure out ways to use this natural source of electricity. Electricity is formed when water vapor collects on microscopic particles of dust and other material in the air. Scientists also believe that the water droplets in the atmosphere are electrically neutral, which could also be a source for hydroelectricity. Researcher Fernando Galembeck has come up with the idea of setting up panels on building tops that will help soak in atmospheric electricity, prevent the building up of electrical charge and help generate energy.

    Hopefully the technology is realized soon enough in future and the world develops ways to ride the lightning to power up our homes.

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on August 25, 2010