• Scientists figure Co2 to be a better replacement for water for geothermal energy generation

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    Harvesting geothermal energy earlier was considered to be a waste of could-be-used water. To generate energy from the bosom of the earth requires a colossal amount of water, given that steam needs to be created in the first place. However, scientists at the University of Minnesota have been working on a pretty win-win mode of generating energy from the earth, using Co2 gas instead of water. To generate geothermal energy, two shafts are poked to the depths of the earth and high-pressure water is pumped down one, which heats up on the way down and comes back up the second shaft, heated enough to generate steam that turns the turbines. The scientists have been pondering the use of high-pressure Co2 instead, which could work in just about the same way!

    So, with a process like this, geothermal plants could probably in future generate loads of energy and at the same time help pull out a ton of Co2 from the air too! Why didn’t we think of this before!

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on June 9, 2011