• Robots that build solar cells in just 30 minutes

  • Robotic-Solar-Cell.jpg
    We’ve seen robots that help around the kitchen and clean up your home too. Here’s a bunch of them that build solar cells. In just around 30 minutes, the squat multitasking robot can build semiconductors for solar cells on six-inch-square plates of glass, plastic or flexible metals. Six of these robots, straight out of a Tim Burton film, work diligently at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Colorado.

    These robots act as a central hub or master chef, pivoting around and dishing out plates. These plates are dished out to different chambers in which semiconductors are built layer by layer. These layers are micro-thin. Crystals that help make solar cells are also grown and tested. Each robot specializes in building semiconductors out of different materials with the silicon cell building robot holding a 35 minute record.
    This system of robots with an interlinked transportation facility to move around stuff to their separate bays will help revolutionize the manufacture of solar cells.

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on March 26, 2010