• Reclyly Robot reclycles waste and even educates

  • recycly-.jpg
    Parks and gardens usually have these very cute trash disposals. I have always been fascinated with these things as a kid. Ever since the concept of recycling came into vogue, I have always wanted to know how these cool things work. Recycly Robot Waste Containers conceptualized by Oomy Design in a way teaches the kids and even the adults how to properly and rightly recycle the waste. These cute looking robots act like the fairytale garden gnomes who stand pretty in the garden and also perform a very important function of recycling waste. These machines detect the type of waste and with the help of color codes it signal the child as to whether or not they have inserted the item in the right receptacle. A very interesting green concept that not only performs a function but also educates!

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on January 11, 2010