• Producing energy from coal is more expensive, thanks to all its side effects

  • coal-power-1.jpg
    The world has always considered coal-power to be the cheapest source of energy. Just toss in those little black pieces into a crackling fire, use the heat emitted by it and voila! The light bulb glows bright! However, a Harvard study has stumbled upon the astounding fact that coal power is indeed, and has always been, one of the most expensive ways to power up. Here’s how. Money saved in operation costs in the United States using coal is indirectly and inadvertently passed on to the American public. Side effects caused by coal burning including the health issues faced by miners, pollution caused by coal plants cause indirect expenses that could be avoided if other cleaner energy sources are used.

    And then again, you spend a fortune on a solar panel, just once in your lifetime, and breathe easy forever. A coal plant works cheaper, though it sucks the health out of the community you live in, and adds a lot more to your medical bills!

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on February 21, 2011