• Nissan develops system to power homes using EVs

  • Nissan-Power-Control-system.jpg
    And if you’ve been under the impression that the Nissan Leaf is just about any other common-place EV, one of many showing up in the automotive markets today, think again! The guys at the Nissan Motor Co Ltd have developed a revolutionary system that makes the Leaf more than just an electricity-powered car. Using the battery of the Leaf that when fully charged, sports juice of about 24kWh, the system sparks a backup electricity supply of about 6kW which can be used for residential purposes! So basically, with a fully charged battery, a Leaf can power the household’s basic electricity needs for as long as 2 days!

    Team this up with solar EV chargers, and an energy efficient home, and there you have it, the perfect way to live and travel green!

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on August 3, 2011