• Is mud the perfect bio-fuel we are looking for?

  • mud.jpg
    There are hundreds of companies looking for that perfect bio-fuel because of the problems with corn ethanol and also the usage of electric cars because of the many problems that it faces. One such company is Qteros that has discovered and refined a microbe called the Q Microbe that turns biomass into ethanol. The microbe’s scientific name is Clostridium phytofermentans but Qteros has branded it as the Q Microbe. It’s evidently a ravenous and omnivorous little bug that reproduces itself quickly. If Qteros can prove that the Q Microbe can be used to make ethanol efficiently, and from a variety of feedstocks, it will then sell the microbes to refiners who will use them to turn biomass into ethanol. Qteros has about 40 scientists on its staff that operates out of a 25,000-square foot lab in Marlborough, Massachusetts. Well we just hope that this is what we are looking for!

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on July 8, 2009