• Hot air balloons – The latest renewable energy supplier on the horizon

  • hot-air-balloons.jpg
    Though hot air balloon is known as the oldest successful human-carrying flight technology, the future will be powered by the same! Brisbane-based Solartran decided to deviate off the usual renewable energy alternatives like solar and wind power to give rise to energy generating hot air balloons. Ian Edmonds designed a giant engine with a balloon as its “piston”. A greenhouse traps solar energy, providing hot air to fill the balloon. And as the balloon rises it pulls on an earthbound tether, spinning a generator to produce electricity. Once the balloon has ascended to its apex of 3 kilometers it automatically releases its air and descends, giving the entire process a similar arc to the workings of a two-stroke engine.

    It is estimated that for about the same cost as wind power, a large 44-metre-diameter recreational balloon can dole out about 50 kilowatts. In simple language, it is enough to power up at least 10 homes. And the environmental consultant believes that doubling the diameter of the balloon would increase power production tenfold which in turn will help to reduce the costs too.
    Imagine dozens of these colorful balloons floating up in the air and energizing a whole town!

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on January 27, 2009