• From solar powered vehicles and gadgets to a solar powered shopping mall

  • aeon_solar_mall.jpg We have all heard of solar powered gadgets including vehicles but Japan has gone a million steps ahead and got itself a solar powered shopping mall. The Aeon shopping mall near Yonago and the Oasis21 mall in the city of Nagoya are very beautiful and marvels in eco-friendly architecture. The Aeon shopping mall is almost completely covered in solar panels providing almost all of its power requirements. The walls of the malls can decontaminate urban environments. The roof of the Oasis21 is covered with mini water pools which controls the environment in the shopping plaza and underground shopping center. These extraordinary structures have reduced a lot for Japan’s carbon footprint in the world. I think it’s high time others followed the same.

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on May 14, 2009