• Fossil fuels a better option to fuel airplanes than palm oil-based biofuels

  • Fossil_Fuels.jpg
    It so turns out that biofuels aren’t all that green either, and with the aviation industry desperately trying to switch over to biofuel use, experts believe that the world’s better off with airplanes flying with fossil fuels. And all this comes down to the change in land use that occurs when developing biofuels. Biofuels, particularly those made from palm oil, are said to emit as much as 55 times greater emissions when grown on newly cleared areas and depending on the growing conditions, this could turn out to be ten times more polluting than burning an equal amount of fossil fuels.

    Well, seems like the world will just need to continue on its scavenger hunt for the heir to the throne of fossil fuels!

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on May 13, 2011