• Flushing toilets to power commercial buildings through the HighDro system

  • toilet-flushes-electricity.jpg
    Every drop fills the ocean. So every action that generates kinetic energy potentially can be converted to something worthwhile like power. Even an action as futile and flushing a toilet. But the HighDro system sees but potential source of energy in this futile action as well, enough to power the resident building. Targeted towards bigger commercial setups than home users, the system works like a small scale hydroelectric dam that converts water gushing out of the soil pipes into electricity with the help of a a four blade turbine.

    Estimated to save up to $1,400 per year for a seven-story building, it’s not really a bad thing considering that it’s recycling of wasted energy without too much effort!

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on July 26, 2010