• Energy generated from geothermal sources to double by 2020

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    Geothermal energy will be the best way to power up over the next few years as research has showed up results stating that geothermal usage will double by 2020. The United States is currently upfront in geothermal energy with 3.1 gigawatts of installed geothermal systems while 88% of the world’s geothermal energy systems currently in operation are used in just 8 countries. Geothermal energy also happens to be the world’s least tapped alternative energy, brimming with opportunities. Forcasts show that geothermal energy will increase 134% to 25.1 gigawatts over the years, while the United States alone has the potential to power up 7 million lives with geothermal energy!

    It’s glory days for the geysers world over, as the human race finally bows down to geothermal energy for power.

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on March 14, 2011