• Efficient windmills that look like chimneys

  • secret-energy-turbine.jpg
    All of us aware of the benefits of using wind energy to generate electricity. However, due the specific location and large space required, windmills aren’t widely used to generate electricity. The recently designed Secret Energy Turbine (SET) might soon change this situation. The SET windmills have all the advantages of regular windmills minus the hassles. It looks like a vertical chimney stack which consists of vertically mounted blades under the influence of two opposing magnets. When the wind hits the blades of the turbine it starts to rotate giving rise to an aerofoil, thus generating electricity. The SET stands true on its name by generating energy in a very efficient and silent manner. This device can be easily installed in houses and can generate 50 to 250 watts of power.

    The SET is a technology which, if commercialized, can make all the houses in the world self sufficient in terms of energy required.

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on February 26, 2010