• DIY 10 foot axial flux wind turbine kit for eco-friendly energy

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    Since living on alternative energy sources is deemed to be the latest trend, allow me to bring to your attention to the Axial Flux Wind Turbine. Harnessing the wind’s energy with its large 10 foot (diameter) fan blades, it is a complete kit for $1,750 from OtherPower. Though it doesn’t seem to fit the urban scenario, people living on farms, ranches or other wide open airy locations can find a place to fix this DIY wind turbine kit. Inspired by Hugh Piggotts designs, the kit contains the assembled alternator, blades, tail vane, and all necessary hardware to assemble the machine. More importantly, a users manual is also shipped along, without which it can be a daunting task. Custom designed to charge up the batteries of 12, 24 and 48V, this is 10 foot diameter turbine is conservatively rated at 800 Watts. However the alternator has proven to withstand sustained output of 1000 Watts in bench testing.

    The blades are beautifully hand carved from Western Red Cedar and all the metal parts are powder coated. The site states that users can add a bit more weight to the tail if they require more power in higher winds. Though the maker prefers to keep things slow and cool running. Since its is cleverly designed to harness energy from lighter or average winds, users need not worry about ‘peak’ output.
    Another hidden green element is the fact that this unit is fabricated in an off grid plant which is also powered by with wind and solar power.

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on December 2, 2008