• Ciclups uses human energy to produce power

  • ciclups_1.jpg
    Solar energy, wind energy has always been used to generate power, but I am more fascinated when kinetic energy is smartly utilized. The Ciclups from Rubcn is an extremely new concept that exploits human physical power to generate energy. This produced energy can thus be utilized effectively in the day-to-day tasks. The device includes an integrated gyroscope with a pedal that has to be pushed to generate sustainable power. It can also be connected to a socket for charging. It also features a low voltage screen to display the function and battery charge. All one has to do is pedal like a bicycle and let the gyroscopic effect produce energy, which increases and decreases according to the paddling speed. Not only does this produce energy, but it also keeps you fit!

    [The Design Blog]

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on February 2, 2010