• Car exhausts will generate electricity from heat due to a new discovery

  • car-exhausts.jpg
    Vehicle exhaust systems will, in future, do a lot more than just spew out carbon dioxide that ultimately chokes the living daylights out of our environment. They could produce electricity to! Here’s how? Researchers at the Northwestern University have stumbled upon nanocrystals of rock salt placed into lead telluride and have created a material that can harness electricity from heat-generating items such as vehicle exhaust systems! The material boasts a high thermoelectric figure that can convert about 14% of heat waste to electricity. The material was developed in collaboration by chemists, physicists and material scientists at Northwestern.

    The material could just revolutionize heat to electricity conversion in future, making the gas-powered car exhaust an electricity generator of sorts!

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on January 20, 2011