• American Flag is illuminated by solar powered light

  • american-flag.jpg
    Very few are aware that the United States Colors of the American flag should be properly illuminated, when left up overnight. And here is a green way to light up the red and blue flag! Franklin, a small town in U.S., flaunts of a flag that is lit by solar powered light. Army Airborne veteran and DPW Director Brutus Cantoreggi is the person behind this progress. The townies take pride in following the protocol and honoring the country as well as the veterans who served under the flag. The solar-powered spotlight will save the town at least a few hundred dollars a year. Energy is stored in a battery, which the spotlight draws upon at night to illuminate the flag. The green light source for the American flag wouldn’t have been possible without the $6,000 grant from the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative.

    Posted in Topics:Alternative Energy, Tags: , on January 5, 2009