• Urban Space Station project – A mini farm for urban dwellers

  • URBAN SPACE STATION Sofia, Madrid 2008 from cesar harada on Vimeo.
    Once again focusing on the need to bring the green nature into the urban set up, we bring to you the Urban Space Station project. Conceived by Natalie Jeremijenko, this portable piece of architecture is primarily intended to improve the quality of air in the surroundings. Make some space for this green project on the roof so that it can filter air, grow food and re-use organic waste for inhabitants. In the quest to improve the health of people around it as well as tidy up our environment, the Urban Space Station is the future of eco-urban architecture. As more and more city-folks seek a bit of greenness from their country-side or village, such a semi-permanent green station is the correct solution for health conscious environment seekers. I mean how else can city dwellers think of munching on a meal cooked out of home-grown veggies…without worrying about pesticides and insecticides.


    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: , on February 24, 2009