• Interflush to help you save water

  • interflush.jpgInterflush water saving device is… hilarious. Something about this product makes me want to laugh out loud. It’s not that it isn’t useful – it will help save you 20 per cent water than the normal flushes. According to research 150 litres of water, a person uses each day and 60 of this goes to flushing but with Interflush only 30 is used. The repercussions of this are gory, but I am sure it has some sort of technique to actually clean up the waste. It is easy to install to your WC siphon. You needn’t ask a plumber you can do it yourself with the right tools. I am sure it comes with a manual as it definitely comes with some handy tools.

    So. The next time you go to the loo, you can still be eco-friendly and environmentally loyal by attaching the Interflush (constant LOL in the head) to your toilet seats. This is priced at 17.47 pounds.

    Posted in Topics:Uncategorized, Tags: , on February 11, 2009