• Renault’s electric car ad pulled of air by watchdog

  • renault-zero-emission.jpg
    Renault has found itself in a soup now for an advertisement on TV. The advertisement exaggerated the company’s environmental credentials of its electric vehicles. Renault claimed that it would launch zero-emission next year. However, viewers complained that electricity used to charge these vehicles did produce greenhouse gases, rendering the ad misleading.

    Renault’s argued that it intended only to portray the fact that there were no emissions when its cars were in use. Also, generating electricity using renewable sources like wind and solar energy to charge electric cars would lead to zero-emissions. Clearcast, an NGO however backs Renault stating that it wasn’t unusual for cars to advertise zero-emissions while operating the car, and not charging it. Maybe advertising watchdogs need something else to bark about.

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on April 2, 2010