• Make way for the compact and environment friendly Skoota!

  • skoota.jpg
    Fed up with congested roads and all the traffic? Well get yourself a Skoota! This concept is not only innovative and awesome for urban use; it also is environment friendly and eco-friendly. The Skoota is compact and easy to use. It is powered by electricity and is foldable. Follow the five easy steps and you can make your electric scooter compact and carry-able. It uses Super Charging Lithium Ion technologies and an efficient in-wheel brushless hub. The Skoota also packs a blue LED halo headlight and a two button interface. The lithium batteries help the Skoota charge up in and ready to go just five minutes.

    Designer Stuart Emmerson who came up with this awesome clean technology sure deserves a pat on his back!

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on February 10, 2010