• Bluebird Electric, the fastest electric car today, to touch 500mph by 2013

  • 452989_280611blue_610x375.jpgLike we’ve said before, EVs aren’t necessarily slow! We’ve had some pretty fast asphalt burning machines powered by electricity featured here. Here’s the fastest of them all! Termed as Europe’s fastest car, the Bluebird Electric seems to be a land-obsessed rocket for one, and can barely be termed as a car! With Don Wales at the wheel, the Bluebird Electric will try to break the 500mph land speed record before the dawn of the year 2013, powered solely by electricity! Wales, grandson of legendary racing motorist Sir Malcolm Campbell, currently holds the 137mph land speed record for electric vehicles.

    We wish Don Wales and the Bluebird Electric all the luck in needs in its endeavor, opening doors for the human race to travel quicker, powered by electricity.

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: on June 30, 2011