• Bluebird Electric Team to break previously set record for the fastest electric in UK

  • bluebird-electric-land-speed-record-car-1.jpg
    It’s been a decade since the Bluebird Electric Team along with Don Wales set the UK electric land speed record at the Pendine Sands in Wales with the speedometer kissing the 139 miles per hour mark. Now, ten years later, Wales and his team are all set to break that very record and will attempt another run next year and push ahead of 150 mph, a record set by his grandfather, Sir Malcolm Campbell in 1925. Wales also plans to break world records for the fastest electric around, and might just speed away at the Bonneville Salt Flats in the U.S. in today’s auto-markets, electric car aren’t really looked upon as quick speed deliverers. But with land speed records like these, we’re pretty sure Wales will help change the perspective of the world towards an electric engine and the speeds it can deliver.

    Here’s wishing the Bluebird Electric Team and Don Wales a great quick and green journey ahead.

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on January 3, 2011