• Water efficient Caroma Profile Smart Dual Flush using greywater recycling system

  • smart_dual_flush2.jpg
    We have told you before of flush systems that are going green to save the huge amounts of water wastage like the Interflush. The Caroma Profile Smart Dual Flush is another invention that will help in a similar process with its 2-in-1 sink and toilet system that implements graywater recycling in a compact design that reduces toilet water consumption by up to 74%. The Profile Smart flush has an integrated sink sitting on top of the tank. The system reclaims fresh water used to wash hands and immediately re-directs it into the tank below ready for the next flush. So it’s like, you entire the toilet, wash your hands and then sit down to do your thing by when the water to dispose off waste will be ready.

    These flushes can only be found in Australia but by the year end may make their way to the US.

    Posted in Topics:Recycle, Tags: , on August 7, 2009