• Sneakers recycled into speakers

  • Sneaker-Speakers-1.jpg
    The only sound you probably might ever hear from your pair of sneakers is the squeaks they create on polished floors. Sneakers have never had too much to do with music or audio for that matter. Sneaker customizer Nashmoney however has taken sneakers to a whole new level, picking them out, recycling them and breathing new life into them by converting them into speakers! Using a regular pair of Nike Air Force 1 sneakers, the customizer added on the speaker cones to the soles with the controls fitted on to the sides. Fitted on to a rack that keeps these speaker-shoes in place, the sneaker-speakers sure seem to be a great way to retrofit your favorite-but-now-worn-out pair of shoes.

    So quit tossing your old sneakers away. Give them a better retirement, with music!

    Posted in Topics:Recycle, Tags: , on March 4, 2011