• MuckBusters mobile unit generates electricity from leftover food

  • muck_610x381.pngPlanning to toss those plates of leftovers from yesterday away in the waste? Give this a thought. Leftover food could very well be used to generated energy with technology company SeaB’s newest brainchild, MuckBusters. Basically mobile recycling units nestled in shipping containers, the Brit folks from SeaB are currently trying to gain public interest around the Bay Area. According to claims made, the MuckBusters system can very well generate enough electricity to power up 150 computers from half a ton of unwanted leftover food.

    By breaking down the food using bacteria that eventually results in the generation of gases which are in turn used to produce electricity, the MuckBusters system could power up 22,000 homes for a year if all the waste food in San Francisco was put to use similarly!

    Posted in Topics:Recycle, Tags: on March 30, 2012