• Bio-luminum tiles made out of old aircraft

  • Bio-Luminum-Tiles.jpg
    Now you can have a part of an aircraft in your living room! And no, we aren’t talking about a cockpit in the corner of your room. We’re talking about tiles. Tiles made out of scrap recycled aircrafts. These Bio-Luminum tiles are made out of 100% recycled aluminum from old aircrafts. These tiles have a one-side beveled edge while the other side has a straight edge. These tiles are as strong as an aircraft can get, and work well for continuously walked-on floors and wall treatment.

    Available in sizes of 3”x6”, 3”x12”, and 6”x12”, these tiles are lightweight and recyclable. They also boast the Cradle to Cradle certification. It makes for a great style statement if used well in minimalistic homes and industrial offices. Use your creative touch and have these strong-as-Superman tiles decorate your room.

    Posted in Topics:Recycle, Tags: , on March 20, 2010