• Solar Energy Bucket includes solar panels, an LED lamp and can heat water!

  • bucket-1
    Ah! We love stuff with more than a single use, particularly if the stuff in discussion is an energy-efficient piece of brilliance. We’ve had the pleasure of spotting this fantastic bucket by designer Chia-Yuan Pai. Called the Solar Energy Bucket, this concept is exactly what its name suggests, a solar-energy generating bucket! The bucket functions as a regular one, allowing you to fill it up with liquids. Turn it upside down and the bucket sports solar panels on its bottom that can be used to soak in the sun!

    What’s more is the fact that this bucket also sports a built-in LED lamp that turns the concept into a lighting source during the darker hours. The bucket also sports the capability of gradually heating water, using energy from the sun that is harnessed during the day!


    [Via – Yankodesign]

    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: , on September 18, 2013