• US military to use eco-friendly rechargeable batteries

  • eco-batteries-for-US-military.jpg
    The guys in the military need all the technology to aid them during wars and the like. Technology makes life out there in the battle field a bit simpler, if not completely. One such innovation that helps the men in uniform is rechargeable batteries. The US military has developed a bunch of eco-friendly rechargeable batteries that will ensure that the soldiers stay powered up at all times. These wearable lithium-ion batteries have high performance levels. They can generate enough energy to power up all those small devices that soldiers carry around in their camouflages. These batteries generate energy using common viruses like the M13 bacteriophage virus. Using cathodes made out of iron-fluoride material, these batteries produce low amounts of heat and are eco-friendly.

    And with this, the US military which has taken so many green initiatives before, like cutting fuel use and the like, goes a tad greener.

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on August 25, 2010