• Stem vacuum cleaner uses 43% reduced energy

  • Stem-vacuum-cleaner-1.jpg
    Vacuum cleaners these days tend to suck a lot more than they’re really needed to, and we literally mean that. These home-cleaners tend to suck in a load of energy too, while cleaning up the mess. The Stem concept vacuum cleaner however, chooses to go the greener way, with 43% reduced energy usage. Developed by Cambridge Consultants, this vacuum cleaner is smart, and switches between differential power modes automatically according to the type of surface you’re cleaning. Also, unlike conventional cleaners, this one has its air path from the floor head itself, and is also capable of hibernating when not in use for short intervals.

    A seemingly better way to keep your floors and carpets clean, this vacuum cleaner makes sure it doesn’t suck as much as its peers do!

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on September 8, 2011