• Soladey-3 solar powered toothbrush uses electron reaction to clean plaque

  • soladey-3-ionic-toothbrush.jpg
    Give your teeth a spark of solar powered sunshine with this innovative toothbrush right out of Japan. Now early morning chores can be a mildly irritating event, especially the teeth-brushing part and scrubbing out all that disgusting plaque. Usually, that’s what we do first thing in the morning, and mostly, half asleep. Well, if you’ve had an early morning awakening and need help with your teeth, here’s an intelligent toothbrush that makes your job a lot easier. And the best part is it’s juiced by solar power! Which means no batteries, and no charging required here.

    The Soladey-3 toothbrush keeps your teeth healthy, removing plaque and cleaning teeth by a simple electron reaction. The toothbrush uses an embedded solar panel which absorbs light. Electrons are transmitted through the water to your teeth via the titanium oxide semiconductor. This helps make the plaque easier to get off. Give yourself a healthy set of sparkling white teeth with $133 solar-powered toothbrush, the Soladey-3.

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on July 6, 2010