• Lithium-ion cell for home use being developed by Panasonic and Sanyo

  • panasonic_sanyo-home-battery-1.jpg
    You buy yourself a huge solar module for your home, and you still run out of electricity due to a lack of back-up systems. A solution to this problem has been devised by Panasonic with their newly partnered company, Sanyo. The fact that the cleaner options to energy like solar power, wind and reclaimed heat aren’t available all the time act as a
    huge hurdle when it comes to complete dependence on them. Hence backup storage systems are required to help sustain the energy requirement. The two companies have designed this storage battery especially for use at home. The battery is a lithium-ion cell and can power up a home for an entire week. A system will enable the user to monitor the usage of the battery on a T.V. The company plans to roll out this device which will be available by the year 2011. This lithium-ion battery will excel the existing fuel cells which are considered as efficient power storage for home use.

    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on December 24, 2009