• Energy Clock Fair saves energy smartly

  • clock.jpg
    It sure is a common practice in almost all of our homes to let the plug on even after the device has been charged. But how many of us are actually aware that inspite of the product being fully charged, the standing plug still drains out electricity thereby costing you the long monthly electricity bills that you get. Let alone not allowing you to be cost and energy efficient. The Energy Clock Fair aims to save all that unnecessary use of energy both in everyday items like battery chargers or discontinued use systems. This system can cut energy regulators and even reconnects anytime and as often as necessary. After you have plugged the Fair Energy Clock into the outlet and the gadget to the Fair Energy Clock, it only follows your instructions of the number of hours you want the charging to take place. After the time is over, it stops and cuts the power supply, thereby saving the much priceless resource. This amazingly green product is a part of the Greener Gadgets Design Competition. Why don’t you go and Vote for it?


    Posted in Topics:Gadgets and Tech, Tags: , on February 10, 2010